Definition of indoor air pollution pdf

The increase in the global concentrations of greenhouse gases co 2, ch 4, and n 2 o shown in table 1, can be called air pollution using this approach, even though the. Environmental protection agency epa published its seminal report to congress on indoor air quality iaq in 1989, the hvac industry raced to provide products and services that would help improve the quality of the air in homes and businesses alike. The increase in the global concentrations of greenhouse gases co 2, ch 4, and n 2 o shown in table 1, can be called air pollution using this approach, even though the concentrations have not found to be. Environmental protection agency, office of air and radiation. Taking an exposure history procedures and form for measuring toxicants in the home and environment. Departmentoflabor osha343004 2011 the guidance is advisory in. Agency for toxic substances and disease registry atsdr general information on air pollution and human health discusses the types of air pollution, the air quality index, and the effects of pollution on humans.

Indoor air pollution is when pollutants contaminate air indoors and is a very dangerous problem, claiming more than 2 million lives each year. When describing iaq, industry leaders consistently use the words clean, fresh, pure, healthy, and contaminantfree, yet the term lacks a uniform definition. Mar, 2020 air pollution, release into the atmosphere of various gases, finely divided solids, or finely dispersed liquid aerosols at rates that exceed the natural capacity of the environment to dissipate and dilute or absorb them. It refers to the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of air in the indoor environment within a home, building, or an institution or commercial facility. According to the arb, indoor air pollutant levels can be anywhere between 25 to 62 percent greater than outside levels 1. Air pollution meaning in the cambridge english dictionary. Furthermore, the reliance on solid fuels and inefficient stoves has other, farreaching consequences for. Environmental protection agency office of radiation and indoor air august 24, 2010 by paula schenck, mph a. Indoor air quality iaq is the purity of the air in a specified area. The resulting indoor air pollution iap is a major threat to health.

Both ambient outdoor and household indoor air pollution cause respiratory and other diseases, which can be fatal. It can enter indoors through cracks and openings in floors and walls that are in contact with the ground. The effects of air pollution wreck havoc on human health and our planet as a whole. Indoor air is air within a building such as your home, classroom, office, shopping center, hospital or gym. Consequently, concerns about air pollution are reflected in the sustainable development goals. According to the california air resources board arb, part of the california environmental protection agency, many pollutants build up rapidly indoors. Measurement basics 23 of the troposphere would be about 1. Air pollution occurs when gases, dust particles, fumes or smoke or odour are introduced into the atmosphere in a way that makes it harmful to humans, animals and plant. Indoor air pollution iap caused by solid fuel use andor traditional cooking stoves is a global health threat, particularly for women and young children.

Pdf indoor air pollution is ubiquitous, and takes many forms. Air pollutants come in the form of gases and finely divided solid and liquid aerosols. Hazards of indoor air pollution to childrens health different toxicants in indoor air, according to sources, settings and activities characteristics and issues relating to indoor air pollution in industrialized and developing countries. Indoor air pollution has occurred since prehistoric times when people moved to live indoors and fire was brought into closed shelters for cooking and space heating 1.

Outdoor air pollution definition of outdoor air pollution. Pollutants of major public health concern include particulate matter, carbon monoxide, ozone, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide. Environmental protection agency sets and enforces air quality standards only for ambient air. Who air quality guidelines for particulate matter, ozone. Research has shown, however, that the ventilation systems used by commercial aircraft may actually reduce the spread of airborne organisms by as much as 63 percent source. Health effects from indoor air pollutants may be experienced soon after. Subsequently, exposure to indoor air pollutants and health effects are considered, with an empha sis on those. Indoor air pollution refers to toxic contaminants that we encounter in our daily lives in our homes, schools and workplaces. In this estimate, the burden of disease is defined as lost healthy life years. Air pollutants can also be of primary or secondary nature. Defining indoor air quality iaq means different things to different people, organizations quality air. This report summarizes available information on candles and incense as potential sources of indoor air pollution. Air pollution is the release of air pollutants into the atmosphere. Oecd glossary of statistical terms indoor air pollution.

Unlike outdoor air pollution, the effect of indoor air pollution is health related and less of an environmental issue. Assessment and control of indoor air pollution, pp. Poor indoor air quality has been linked to sick building syndrome, reduced productivity and impaired learning in schools. The outermost traces of the atmosphere reach to over 100 km 60 miles above the surface. However, most of these techniques measure average concentrations over several hours or even days, which. As to the indoor air in workplaces, two federal agencies have defined roles concerning exposure to usually single substances. The burning of such fuels, particularly in poor households, results in air pollution that leads to respiratory diseases which can result in premature death. Indoor air pollution is caused by burning solid fuel sources such as firewood, crop waste, and dung for cooking and heating. For environmental health science students air pollution mengesha admassu, mamo wubeshet university of gondar in collaboration with the ethiopia public health training initiative, the carter center, the ethiopia ministry of health, and the ethiopia ministry of education august 2006. Report to congress on indoor air quality, volume ii. Indoor air pollution is ubiquitous, and takes many forms, ranging from smoke emitted from solid fuel combustion, especially in households in developing countries, to complex mixtures of volatile.

Gravitational attraction binds the atmosphere to the earth. In the short term, exposure to high concentrations of indoor air pollution can cause eye irritation, headaches, nose and throat irritation, fatigue, and dizziness. This definition implicitly acknowledges that some substances that are considered to be air pollutants are present naturally. Indoor air issues may be traced to the beginning of civilization. Gas stoves or badly installed woodburning units with poor ventilation and maintenance can increase the indoor levels of carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide and particles. Air pollution is the introduction of particulates, biological molecules, or other harmful gases into earths atmosphere, causing disease, death to humans, damage to other living organisms such as food crops, or the natural or built environment. It particularly can affect babies, who are near the ground where heavy contaminants hang. The who world health report 2002 estimates that iap is responsible for 2. Iaq is known to affect the health, comfort and wellbeing of building occupants. Indoor air pollution may be especially harmful to kids, who breathe faster than adults, inhaling more air. Epa studies indicate that the levels of many air pollutants may be two to five times higher in indoor air than outdoor air. Air pollution is a mixture of natural and manmade substances in the air we breathe.

Indoor air pollution and poor urban air quality are listed as two of the worlds worst toxic pollution problems in the 2008 blacksmith institute worlds worst polluted places report. Indoor air pollution environmental health student portal. The definition for what is indoor air pollution includes any toxic contaminants that are encountered within the spaces we dwell that are inside, such as our homes, schools, department stores, and workplaces. The who air quality guidelines are designed to offer guidance in reducing the health impacts of air pollution. Indoor air pollution indoor air is air within a building such as your home, classroom, office, shopping center, hospital or gym. Household indoor air pollution new who indoor air quality guidelines. Concerns about potential public health problems due to indoor air pollution are based on evidence that urban residents typically spend more than 90 percent of their time indoors. The presence in to air indoors the physical, chemical and biological contaminants not normally present in outdoor air of high quality system the factors of pollution are confined space. Indoor air pollution is a concern in the developed countries, where energy efficiency improvements sometimes make houses relatively airtight, reducing. Indoor air pollution learning objectives to understand, recognize and know. Indoor air pollution may arise from the use of open fires, unsafe fuels or combustion of biomass fuels, coal and kerosene.

Those pollutants may be gases or particulate matter and can come from a variety of sources. Environmental legislation for air quality standards. Pdf causes, consequences and control of air pollution. Pollutants are any harmful contaminants in the air. It is related to the choice of construction materials and associated with voc emissions. Today, indoor air pollution caused by burning of traditional solid fuels such as woodfuel, agricultural residues, and dried animal dung in unvented cookstoves in rural areas of. Household fuel combustion set emissions thresholds, by which the cleanest cookstove and lighting technologies may be identified. Human beings love tests, and to satisfy that craving, indoor air pollution meters on the market claim to measure the levels of pollutants in your home. We say indoor air pollution if indoor air is contaminated by smoke, chemicals, smells or particles. Children in urban areas spend most of their time indoors, which means that their primary. Health is defined, for the purpose of this report, according to the wellknown who definition as a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing, and. Jun 05, 2015 identify possible sources of indoor air pollution. The objectives of the indoor air pollution and health iapah research project were to quantify the levels of indoor air pollution iap in irish and scottish homes from indoor combustion sources, and to provide an estimate of the potential health burden, i. Indoorairqualityin commercialandinstitutional buildings occupationalsafetyandhealthadministration u.

Contact your local american lung association for copies of. Air pollutants can present a real danger to living organisms as well as the wider environment. Our goal is to reveal to you all of the key factors regarding indoor air pollutants and help you determine if this is something you should be concerned with or not. The quality of indoor air can affect the health and wellness of those who are breathing it. Air pollution threatens the health of humans and other living beings in our planet.

Prehistoric records note the problem of smoke in caves. For these reasons, some experts feel that more people suffer from the effects of indoor air pollution than outdoor pollution. Definition of outdoor air pollution outdoor air pollution. We say indoor air pollution if indoor air is contaminated by smoke, chemicals, smells or particles unlike outdoor air pollution, the effect of indoor air pollution is health related and less of an environmental issue. Pollutants can cause a wide range of shortterm and longterm health problems. Indoor air pollution definition oecd glossary of statistical terms. In developing countries, the main source of indoor air pollution is biomass smoke which contains suspended particulate matter 5pm, nitrogen dioxide no2, sulphur dioxide so2, carbon monoxide ca, formaldehyde and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons pahs. One of these is terressentials home air quality test kit, which tests for the presence of mold, fungus, bacteria, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. Ieq is determined by many factors, including lighting, air quality, and damp conditions. Learn about what causes air pollution and how to help reduce the effects. A range of miniaturised measuring devices has been developed for indoor use. This is because the air becomes dirty contaminated or unclean.

Outdoor air pollution involves exposures that take place outside of the built environment. A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext. The main point is that surface air pollutants are released into a thin atmospheric skin. Indoor air quality iaq is the air quality within and around buildings and structures. Unless buildings are built with special mechanical means of ventilation, those. Furthermore, the reliance on solid fuels and inefficient stoves has other, farreaching consequences for health, the environment, and economic development. Although local differences in air temperature and the earths rotation. Those are all examples of outdoor air pollution, but air indoors can be polluted, too.

Sometimes the symptoms resemble asthma, while others resemble cold symptoms. Ambient and household air pollution mortality and cities air quality. The resulting indoor air pollution iap is a major threat to health, particularly for women and young children, who may spend many hours close to the fire. We work, study, eat, drink and sleep in enclosed environments where air circulation may be restricted. According to the environmental protection agency, the top five air quality problems in the u.

The european commission has developed a series of framework directives for controlling ambient air pollution and monitoring concentrations. Indoor environmental quality ieq refers to the quality of a buildings environment in relation to the health and wellbeing of those who occupy space within it. A guide to indoor air quality and humidifier safety alert pdf. Aerosols are loosely defined as any solid or liquid particles suspended in the air. Radon is a radioactive gas that is formed in the soil. Karim ahmed, phd anne bracker, mph, cih robert debernardo, md, mba, mph section of occupational and environmental medicine center for indoor environments and health. Indoor air pollution fact sheets, air pollution in your home and other publications on indoor air pollution. High concentrations can cause undesirable health, economic, or aesthetic effects. Around 3 billion people still cook and heat their homes using solid fuels i. Air pollution facts, causes and the effects of pollutants in. The major historical air pollution episodes all occurred during stagnant inversions in regions that had significant sources of combustionrelated air pollutants see chapter 1. Although official efforts to control air pollution have traditionally focused on outdoor air, it is now apparent that elevated contaminant concentrations are common inside some private and public buildings.

Indoorairqualityin commercialand institutionalbuildings. Indoor air pollution indoor air pollution is the presence of one or more contaminants indoors that carry a certain degree of human health risk. Indoor air pollution can pose a serious health threat. The market information collected focuses on production and sales data, typical uses in the u.

Indoor air pollution, health and economic wellbeing. Sick building syndrome occurs in buildings where people experience negative health effects, but the source of these symptoms cannot be identified. While outdoor air pollution is partly caused by incipient industrialization, this represents a temporary tradeoff for the poor escaping hunger, infectious disease, and indoor air pollution to be better able to afford food, health care, and education. The environmental protection agency epa estimates that people in industrialized nations spend as much as 90 percent of their time indoors. You might think that if indoor air pollution is a problem in an enclosed place like your house, then it must be even worse in an airplane. More than half of this disease burden is borne by the populations of developing countries.

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